If you use a Philips Dreamstation Auto CPAP and humidifier, there is a lot of steam in the mask. Until you have to wake up before the time how to fix

To fix it, follow the steps below.

1) In the case of using a heated tube, check the heat level of the hot tube. which should be higher than the1-2 heat levels of the humidifier. For example, if we set the heat level of the humidifierIf the humidifier is set to 3, the heat level of the humidifier should be set.Set it to 4-5, etc. If there is still a lot of steam. or use it as a normal pipe, proceed to item 2

2) Try lowering the temperature of the unit.do not humidify There will be levels from 1-5, try to decrease 1 level at a time and try to see if the steam decreases orNo. For example, if it is currently set to 3, reduce it to 2.

*See how to set the level of knowledge.humidifier and hot pipeClick here https://www.nksleepcare.com/help/dreamstation-adjust-heat-level/

3) If doing both methods above and still having steam problemsA lot may be caused by setting the air pressure attoo low causing the breath to be exhaled from theIf the waste is not in time, it will generate steam. This is a very rare case. Contact the cell that takes care of you orContact the after-sales service department at number 091-003-0209 for staff to help check.and adjust the air pressure setting